Nationwide Delivery

We reach across the country, all the way to the East Coast, West Coast, North and the South with a network of Common Carriers and trucks.

Physical & Mechanical Properties of Selected Woods

Douglas Fir White Oak Red Oak Teak Ipe
Color* 3 1 1-3 1-2 4
Density 30-40 40-50 40-50 40-50 >60
Bending Strength (psi) 12,000-14,500 14,500-17,000 12,000-14,500 12,000-14,500 >19,500
Stiffness (psi) 1,800-2,200 1,400-1,800 1,800-2,200 1,000-1,800 >3,000
Crushing Strength (psi) 7,000-8,000 7,000-8,000 6,000-7,000 6,000-9,000 >10,000
Toughness 3 4 4 2 7
Hardness 2 4 4 3-4 7
Movement Small under 3.0 Medium 3.0-4.5 --- Small, under 3.0 Small, under 3.0
Shrinkage Radial 3 4 3 1 5
Shrinkage Tangential 3 5 4 2 4
Heartwood Durability Moderately durable Durable Nondurable Very durable Very durable
Heartwood Treatability † 4 4 2 4 4

* Color Code

  1. Whitish, pale brown, pale yellow, straw
  2. Dark brown
  3. Pink or red tints, including red brown
  4. Other colors (black, purple, bright yellow, etc.)

† Treatability

  1. Permeable
  2. Moderately resistant
  3. Resistant
  4. Extremely resistant
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