Order Process
E-mail us at: customerservice@bearcreeklumber.com
fax (509) 997-2040, or phone (800) 597-7191
If you send us an e-mail, please include your telephone number, or your fax number, for us to contact you with, in case we are not able to reply directly to your e-mail.
Your salesperson will need specific size, species, and grade information to be able to give you their best quote. After determining which products you need, and where you want them delivered to, e-mail , fax (509) 997-2040, or call us (800) 597-7191. For a quote request, please include an address to ship to (including zip code!!), and a fax number, or e-mail address that we can send the quote to. This information is crucial for us to have. Our sales staff will then give you a free estimate of the cost of your order. That estimate will include shipping based on the factors discussed above, and below.
If you are unsure of any of these specifications, our sales staff can offer you a variety of choices to work with. When you have made your final decision, they will send you a Purchase Agreement (PA) which must be signed by you before any lumber can be shipped. Carefully review the Purchase Agreement, before signing and dating it, to make sure that the product and terms are what you want.
In addition to the signed PA, Bear Creek Lumber requires full or (with credit approval) partial prepayment, prior to shipment. All partial prepayment orders must be paid in full (C.O.D.) upon delivery. We advise our customers that full prepayment is the fastest route for shipping their orders. It saves us time and saves you money, since there are C.O.D. fee’s that start at $150, depending on the amount to be collected. BCL accepts credit cards, along with checks, and all other traditional forms of payment.
Download our Unpacking Lumber instruction sheet (PDF 640 Kb) to know what to expect when your order arrives, and how to properly store the lumber untiol you use it.
How long will it take to get my order?
In-stock items should be able to ship within 30 days. Custom milling requires 45-60 days, minimum. Customers with Fall and Spring orders may want to arrange shipping ahead of time, since those are the busiest shipping periods of the year.
Bear Creek Lumber will hold your lumber package at our plant with a deposit, and we will ship when you are ready for the receipt of that order. Many customers will purchase materials ahead of schedule to hold special price levels, if they know what they need in advance.
Special Orders
Bear Creek Lumber is a unique company and we try to work with the customer on their special needs. Custom milling is available, but minimum order requirements do apply. Pre-staining can be arranged by Bear Creek Lumber, but BCL does not do the actual pre-stain work and does not assume responsibility for any problems with the finished product.
All products are priced F.O.B. Winthrop. All products are sold according to mill grading specifications.
We arrange the shipping, read more about it in our Logistics page.