Welcome Timberline Fans!
For those of you just joining us, Timberline was a newsletter that Ela Bannick wrote for 20+ years and was started in 1985! She started writing this monthly newsletter so that the company could keep in touch with customers in far away places. Not everyone lived in the Washington State, much less the Methow Valley and Ela wanted to reach out to everyone she could, no matter where they were.
Unfortunately Ela passed away in May of 2010 and our Timberline newsletter has not been the same since. In fact, we quietly stopped producing it for a period of time and are now really excited to bring it back.
1996 - 2007 Timberline Issues
For many years, Timberline was produced as a monthly newsletter and for your convenience, we have archived all of our past issues of this newsletter and they are available to read below
The Timberline Newsletter was suspended for some time so there is a gap in time from late 2007 until 2020. The older issues are really cool to check out and we have archived them below. There is still plenty of good knowledge to be gained in our newsletter library, along with a few nostalgic moments and some really cool photos to discover.