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Pine / Spruce Siding

Ponderosa pine is a great option for softwood siding and can work well for many projects, especially ones with smaller budgets. See more photos of Pine Spruce siding here. For technical information on Pine/Spruce see this page, or the Pine / Spruce species page for more general info. Get a quote today and see if it will work for you…

Customer Projects and Testimonials

Dirk E. - Leavenworth WA

Merle, this is my project on the first floor, with the tight-knot DF 1×6 T&G ( on right) . I put this down, with only light sanding in some of really ugly places. I wanted a 1930’s look to the flooring. The floor has a tung oil finish.

Also, the house is timber-framed with 10’ ceilings on the lower level, 16’ 4-way vault with exposed rafter on the upper level, lower has a 3 car garage (with 2 doors) and a horse stall /grooming room and tackroom with door and window into the horse stall. Outside is 1×6 pine T&G on the lower and 1 x 10 Board &Batt siding on the upper, as seen above left.
Dirk E. Leavenworth WA

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