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IPE Decking and Stairs


Scientific Name: Khaya ivorensis and K. anthotheca

Other Common Names: Often further classified as to port of shipment or country of origin; consignments to U.S. trade mostly K. ivorensis. Munyama (Uganda), Acajou d’Afrique (Ivory Coast), Dubini, Dukuma fufu (Ghana), Ogwango (Nigeria).


Several rough cut slabs of mahogany ready to be shipped.

African Mahogany

Description: Heartwood Reddish, pinkish, salmon colored, or yellowish when fresh cut; deepening with age to deep rich red or brown; distinct from the yellowish or whitish sapwood. Luster high and golden; texture rather fine to coarse; straight grain to roey, wavy or curly, ribbon grain, often with an attractive figure.

Mechanical Properties: Janka Side Hardness 740 lb for green material and 800 lb for dry. The wood can be air-seasoned and kiln dried easily without appreciable warping or checking.

Shrinkage green to ovendry: radial 3.0%; tangential 4.1%; volumetric 7.8%. Movement after manufacture is rated as small.
Working Properties: Very easy to work with hand and machine tools, torn and chipped grain is common with figured material. Easy to finish and takes an excellent polish. Slices and cuts into fine veneer.
Durability: Generally heartwood rates as durable in resistance to a brown-rot and a white-rot fungus. Moderately resistant to dry-wood termites and little resistance to attack by marine boreres.
Uses: Fine Furniture and cabinetmaking, interior trim, paneling, fancy veneers, musical instruments, boat building, pattern making, turnery, and carving.

Santos Mahogany

Description: Santos Mahogany is reddish brown changing to a deep red or somewhat purplish after milling.
Mechanical Properties: Janka side hardness is 2,200 lb. with 12% moisture content. Shrinkage from green to ovendry: radial 3.8%; tangential 6.2%; volumetric 10.0%

Working Properties: It is reported to be moderately difficult to work but can be finished smoothly with a high natural polish. Though non siliceous, there is more than the usual dulling of cutters.
Durability: The heartwood is reported to be highly resistant to attack by decay fungi
Uses: hardwood flooring, furniture, interior trim, turnery

Mahogany Products In Application

Interested in discovering this surprisingly versatile material and seeing what it would take to bring it home? Get a free quote below!


Mahogany interior paneling is one of the more beautiful options if you are looking for a rich hardwood paneling option. It is flat out gorgeous to look at, as you can see. This species of lumber will add an elegant touch to any room.


Mahogany Bar

Available Grades

Note: all pictures are meant for a general grade description.  
If you want to see a more defined grade image, please let us know.  We can email you pictures and grade rules.

  1. Clear Grain – This wavy clear grain has lots of character.

Raw Lumber Product Chart

Surfaced One Side and Two Edges (S1S2E)
Surfaced For Sides (S4S)
Rough Cut
Paneling & Patterns
Tongue and groove
Double Flush

Characteristics Of Mahogany

Density (oven-dry): 41.70 lb/ft3
Specific Gravity (oven dry): 0.43
Durability: Durable species
Fasteners: Corrosion resistant only (stainless steel, aluminum, hot-dipped galvanized, brass, etc.)
Finishing: Paints, stains, varnishes, oils and waxes all work well
Flame spread rating: 69(class II)
Smoke developed classification: 98
K value (12% mc): 0.74 BTU in.per square ft.h degrees F
R value: 1.35 in. of thickness
Stability: Cedar is the most stable softwood species
Workability: Easy to cut, saw, nail and glue


Coated or galvanized steel fasteners may be used, but they tend to have a shorter life span and may cause staining of the wood. 

Stainless steel screws are considered the best and they will also eliminate potential chemical reactions or staining at the fastener location. Pre-drilling is highly recommended due to extreme hardness.

Handling and Storage

Ipe should be stored out of direct sunlight and allowed to stabilize and acclimate to the installation environment humidity levels before installation. It is best to allow for groundside ventilation in the design, as proper air circulation is necessary for long term stability of Ipe. When installing, allow 1/16” gap between the deck boards for circulation of air. When Ipe is fully seasoned, shrinkage of approximately 1/16” on 4” wide boards to 1/8” on 6” wide boards may be expected.


Scientific Name: Entandrophragma cylindricum

This African hardwood is highly sought after for its similarity to Mahogany for guitar making, furniture making and now for flooring, decking and paneling applications. Sapele’s colors are a little more reddish than Mahogany, with dark tones and purple-brown hues. It works well with hand and machine tools, but its interlocking grain can tear easily in planners if not done carefully. Sawing and peeling this wood is easy, unlike other hardwoods that can put a strain on your tools.

Features of Sapele

Density (oven-dry): 43 lb/ft3
Specific Gravity (oven dry): 0.61 lbs/cu.ft.
Durability: Durable species, but not resistant to marine borers.
Finishing: Paints and stains well, needs care
Flame spread rating: N/A
Smoke developed classification: N/A
Stiffness: 1704 per 1000/psi
Bending strength : 17895 psi(Dry)
Stability: Very stable and not subject to dimensional changes once dried.
Workability: Good to work with in general, except for interlocked grains which is difficult to saw and plane. 

Sapele Products


Sapele Flooring, custom milled siding and trim boards are among the products Bear Creek Lumber can provide you in this exotic hardwood. We have in inventory at any given time of 4/4 and 8/4 slabs for you to purchase and work on, or for us to mill to your specifications. Call us today to find out more.

Available Grades

Note: all pictures are meant for a general grade description.  
If you want to see a more defined grade image, please let us know.  We can email you pictures and grade rules.

  1. Clear Grain – This is the top quality grade available.
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